Australian grown Wagga seed

Wagga Seed is our seed of choice for producing fodder because on sprouting it produceshigh quality, nutritious green fodder.
10+ kilogram of Wagga seed sprouted is equivalent to 8 kg of fresh high protein feed.
One kilogram of Wagga seed sprouted is equivalent up 10.5 kg of fresh high protein feed. The fodder produced in one container is sufficient to feed up to 100 head of cattle or 200 on fodder and grazing (cattle in 350-450kg range). The cattle will ingest eight kilograms of fodder daily and the remaining feed is foraged.
Cattle feeding on Wagga fodder will experience an approximate weight gain of one kilogram or more per day. The livestock coat will become shiny and improved.
Poultry farmers operating open range production report that the chickens rush to the feed and consume the Wagga seedlings vigorously.
The fodder is not a complete replacement of all feed requirements for cattle. It will supply the nutritional requirement but rough hay or other cheap feeds are required to provide 'gut fill' for the animals.
Australian organic mineral blend

The mineral blend:
• Improves rumen microbial activity
• Reduces acidosis (gain poisoning)
• Increases binding of aflatoxins
• Reduces urea toxicity in diet
• Increases urea palatability
• Higher CEC more buffeting
• Reduces nitrogen in run off
• Manure richer in nutrients
• Reduces salt levels in manure
• More valuable organic fertiliser
• Natural solution to acidosis
Our range of surface sterilisers, cleaners and disinfectants.

FodderMax is added to the growing trays during the growing process. It's suitable for high
production of both intensive high value vegetable crops and forage for a wide range of
animal feeding.

EcoBoost is a soaking solution for seeds, which increases germination and helps to overcome
pests and mildew and mould.
We can customise the 6 Day Farm to suit specific applications throughout the world
including arid and harsh conditions or for sub zero conditions.